Bridging Solutions

Business Ethics


We are present to help you in your duty of care towards your current panel of suppliers and those you will integrate tomorrow. 

In this way, you demonstrate your intransigence to the fundamentals of the Global Compact and protect yourself against major risks for your company.

Global Compact

To protect your operational and social reputation, 

Our auditors in France and worldwide:

  • Assess your suppliers against the 10 Global Compact fundamentals.
  • Evaluate the operational and reputational risks of your suppliers. 
  • Recommend precautionary and preventive practices adapted to your CSR policy. 
LOGO arbre de vie

Bridging respects the principles of the UN “Global Compact” in terms of human and labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption, and integrates them both internally and in the projects it is entrusted with.

Due diligence plan – law 02/2017

“includes reasonable due diligence measures to identify risks and prevent serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the health and safety of individuals and the environment, resulting from the activities of the company and those of the companies it directly or indirectly controls, as well as from the activities of subcontractors or suppliers with whom an established business relationship is maintained, when these activities are linked to this relationship”.