International purchases
In a context of increasingly complex suppliers markets and internationalization, the role of the purchasing department extends beyond its historical mission of “sustaining competitiveness”.
Required to manage transversal projects, often involving distant partners, purchasing is continually evolving.
In addition to its fundamental purpose, purchasing faces new challenges such as evaluating internal and external risks, taking into consideration new societal issues, adding value and services. Supply management is becoming more strategic and operationally more complex.
Market study

Evaluating the potential of a supplier market will enable your company to discover opportunities to improve its competitiveness, or to distinguish its offer from its competitors.
Supplier research
Whether it is discover new sources of competitiveness, to identify the manufacturers of a new technology or simply to compete with your current panel of suppliers, a supplier research is a key step to master.

Purchasing diagnostic

The first step of the purchasing diagnostic consists in observing, listing and then structuring the various parameters and components of the purchasing organization within the company. The next step will be to analyse the collected data.
Deployment of the purchasing strategy
To formulate purchasing strategies is in fact to define the company’s global objectives and strategy and concretely apply them to operations on all categories of managed purchases.

Operational purchases

Operational purchases are just as important as “strategic” purchases. The organization and control of your operational purchases deliver the performance of your purchasing department and of your firm.
Import logistics
Every company operating internationally should have tight control of its supply chain and its international transits.